Component Declaration Derived from an Entity Declaration
Proposal Editing Information
- Who Updates: Open
- Transcribed by: JimLewis
- Date Proposed: 2014-04-03
- Date Last Updated: 2014-04-03
- Priority:
- Complexity:
- Focus: Any
- Recommended Action: Reject
Requirement Summary
ISAC IR 2011. Request syntax that creates a component declaration from an entity decalaration and puts it into a specified package.
Problem Description
Translated by
Jim Lewis. They are putting components in packages and noting when more than one component is in a package it is difficult. Furthermore if you put just one component in a package, then why not a short hand prior to the entity that creates a component for that entity in a named package.
Related and/or Competing Issues: none
Use the following syntax to imply a component in a package:
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
go_into_package MyDesign;
entity subcomponent ...end subcomponent;
architecture x of subcomponent is ... end x;
A simple translation of this is that the "go_into_package" is a short had replacing the first 4 lines below:
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; \
package MyDesign is | These 4 lines = "go_into_package"
component subcomponent ...end subcomponent; |
end package MyDesign ; /
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity subcomponent ...end subcomponent;
architecture x of subcomponent is ... end x;
What it really seems they are asking for though is a way to include numerous components into a single package this way, however, this will not solve their stated compilation issues.
A looser translation of this last item, which would solve their compilation issues, is to have a way to reference numerous separate packages under one name, such as the context declaration included as part of VHDL-2008.
Use Models
Arguments against
An equivalent feature exists in VHDL-93
VHDL-93 introduced direct entity instantiation. This allows one to forgo the necessity to create a component declaration.
Issues with direct entity instantiation:
- At the time of the proposal (and maybe still), this was not implemented by all synthesis tools.
- This cannot be a consideration as any new syntax can potentially have the same issues.
- The architecture in a direct entity instantiation is not configurable
A suitable methodology exists
- Put each component in a separate package. As the OP noted, putting all components into a common package results in large compilations.
- Generate the package by either:
- Manually capture it before the entity (as shown in the interpretation of "goes_into_package" in the proposal).
- Write a script that generates the component in a package with a name that is algorithmicly related to the component name, such as subcomponent_CompPkg.
- Use VHDL-2008 context declarations to collect the *_CompPkg under one name.
context chip1_CompPkg is
library chip1_lib;
use chip1_lib.Comp1_CompPkg.all;
use chip1_lib.Comp2_CompPkg.all;
. . .
use chip1_lib.CompN_CompPkg.all;
end context chip1_CompPkg ;
General Comments
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Topic revision: r2 - 2020-02-17 - 15:34:28 -