P1076 Minutes from August 27, 2020
- Peter Flake, Unai Martinez-Corral, Lieven, Jim
Meeting Discussion
- Issues of VHDL-2008 aggregates wrt LHS?
(Cout, Sum8) <= ('0' & A8) & B8 ;
-- All OK:
type slv_2d is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector;
constant aggregate1 : std_logic_vector := ('1', "1010", '0');
constant aggregate2 : std_logic_vector := ('1', ('1', ('0', ('1', '0'))));
constant aggregate22 : std_logic_vector := ('1', ('1', ('0', "10")));
constant aggregate3 : std_logic_vector := (((('1', '1'), '0'), '1'), '0');
constant aggregate4 : slv_2d := ((((('1'), '1'), '0'), '1'), ('0', '1', '0', '1'));
-- Problematic with GHDL:
type my_new_type is array(natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-- Then I declare a constant of that new type
constant constant_of_my_new_type : my_new_type (0 to 7) := ((others=>(others => '0')));
signal signal_of_my_new_type : my_new_type (0 to 7);
-- if Reset low then signal_of_my_new_type = constant_of_my_new_type
-- else, signal_of_my_new_type is filled with one at the next clock rising edge
if n_rst_i = '0' then
signal_of_my_new_type <= constant_of_my_new_type;
elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
signal_of_my_new_type <= ((others=>(others => '1')));
end if;
Next Meeting
10 September 2020, 11 am Pacific
Daylight Time (GMT-7)
Topic revision: r1 - 2020-08-27 - 19:48:02 -