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Composites of Protected Types
Needed for indexed data structures, like arrays of scoreboards
Will need constraint that a composite of a protected type may only include a protected type
Report Calling Path of Subprogram
Needed for Error reporting
Anonymous Types on Subprogram calls
?? Complexity
A compromise might be to allow generics to be mapped on a subprogram call
Mapping generics on usage is something that is desirable to do for packages and types (assuming that we add generics to types - such as protected types)
Protected Types and Aliases
Support aliases to methods of protected types.
Purpose: Allow protected type method names to be changed (for consistency among utilities), while maintaining backward compatibility.
Attributes for Enums
'Length and 'Range seem to be obvious
'Serialize seems to be a conversion on top of 'pos
Hard to write a one parameter function to do this. Would need either a generic type or anonymous type and a way to designate that doing 'pos on the type is allowed (ie: the type is a scalar).
Easy to do with a two parameter function to do this, however, the call is longer