By December, need LCS for proposals that will go into standard.
December to March - prepare final document.
Format of LCS
Common format
Red Strike Through for deleted text
Black for unchanged LRM Text
format 1:
Blue underline for new text
Format 2:
Red for new text
allow 1 and 2 for existing LCS
Going forward:
Format 1:
Format 2: Kevin, Rob, Peter, Jim
Abstain: Brent (happy either)
Shared Variables of ordinary types
Synthesis & dual port RAM with asynchronous clocks
Historic synthesis tool support did this
Current tools support signals in a single process with multiple clocks.
Ease of initialization - but there are plans to fix this in 2017
Not necessary: Patrick, Rob, Brent, Lieven, Jim
ISAC must do?
Inconsistent and/or incorrect things in LRM
AI: Jim contact John Shields and Steven Dovich about P1735 updates
Can we get more by reference and less in LRM?
Extended Enums
There is nothing like this in the current requirements list
Patrick: ADA has something like this? Only tagged records and not enumerations.
Lieven: Typical enumerations are a closed set, what is being asked for is an open set.
Would require someone to work on it.
Type Equivalence
From the email:
A means of stating that two separate type definitions are the same (MAYBE even if they are not exactly the same) a) Simple case: E.g. allow a byte_type to be connected to a byte_type even if these are defined in two separate packages.
Note: if both types are visible, they can currently be type casted.
is byte_type a type or a subtype?
if each byte_type were given a unique name (ie: byte_type1 and byte_type2) and they were made subtypes of the same type, such as std_logic_vector, then they will already automatically convert.
With type generics, this may happen more often.
Implicit conversions between two types that are structurally the same:
IE: 2 records
Sounds similar to closely related records,
however, in that proposal position, name, and type of the elements must be the same
could closely related records be extended to also handle closely related arrays.
May be able to handle this with a space ship operation if done element by element.
May be supported by an already existing proposal, however, if not, there is no bandwidth to consider it at this time.
Review and Approve Meeting Minutes and Decisions by Attendees
Lieven, Rob, Peter, Kevin, All
Review and Approve Meeting Minutes and Decisions by non-attendees