P1076 February 12, 2015 Meeting Minutes


* PeterFlake * RyanHinton * JimLewis * RobGaddi


Meeting Discussion

  • Uploaded proposal summary on private documents area of TWIKI.
  • Browsing Higher ranked proposals
  • FileIO - FILE_COPY_HANDLE - implies doing an assignment to the file identifier. Currently there is no such thing.
    • How to do this in a file declaration to attach an identifier to std.textio.OUTPUT
  • BigNum
    • Done with a package would be have to be a protected type to allow dynamic sizing.
    • This makes doing operators challenging
  • Is Fixed Point Algorithmic package needed by 1076.1?
    • Should it be part of the standard or should it be released as open source?
    • With open source, it could be updated frequently without having to put it through the standards process.
  • Implicitly defined to_string for composites
    • language defined attribute for separator, prefix, postfix that applies to either a type or an object (signal, varaible, constant)
    • all parties agreed that it is more important to provide a base implementation than what the exact format is.
  • For conditional compilation all parties at the meeting agreed that a simple implementation that used pre-defined names would be sufficient.

Review and Approve Meeting Minutes:

  • Motion: Ryan 2nd: Peter, Rob

Next Meeting: Thursday March 26, 2015 11 am Pacific

Previous Meeting: Thursday January 22, 2015

Topic revision: r6 - 2020-02-17 - 15:36:15 - JimLewis
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