P1076 April 3, 2014 Meeting Minutes



Group Action Item List

Action Item Review

Marked completed before meeting

  • done Jim -207: Stop in environment package. Return values ambigous as to what can be done with them.
  • done Jim 230 - Need FPGA/ASIC specific instances of float_pkg - send email to reflector
  • done Jim - natural_vector see Nov 8 2012 meeting
  • done Jim - 257 -definitions for TEXT, OUTPUT, and INPUT from std.textio to std.standard
  • done Jim - 258 - syntax regularization between entity and component
  • done Jim - Generics on Usage of Subprograms 2012_MeetingJuly19
  • done - Jim - Add separate table for collected requirements that do not have an owner
  • done Jim - Updates to non-standard package std_logic_arith MeetingFebruary16
    • Cliff to look into reports about differences between numeric_std and std_logic_arith
  • done - Done previously - clocked short hand MeetingJanuary5
  • Added to open source package list - create open source boost/C++ like libraries
  • Added to open source package list - RTL Macros
  • Done - Jim - promote synthesis items from the MeetingAugust11 list to the Collected requirements page

Check status during meeting

  • Open - revive 1076.6 to handle syntheis proposals on collected requirements page MeetingAugust25 MeetingAugust11
    • Package of attributes in 1076?
  • Assertions as Directives - Synthesizable Assertions MeetingAugust25 MeetingAugust11
  • Reject - Scope of keywords - see 2012_MeetingAugust2
    • Will increase compiler complexity significantly - may be a bad idea
    • User opinion: Compile language version switch working well. If you want to use the newest version, don't use the new keywords as identifiers.
    • Recommend that we drop it.
  • Added to Open List PSL harmonization - need to recruit someone
  • Ryan: Arbitrary width float: see Nov 8 2012 meeting
  • Open - Multi dimensional Array restructuring: Array <--> Matrix Transformations 2012_MeetingJuly19 MeetingDecember15
  • Ryan - Slicing Multidimensional Arrays (FT15) maybe related to above 2012_MeetingMay24
  • David Bishop: Bugzilla 17 - add_carry in numeric_std as well as fixed/floating packages
    • Is it already in the fixed and floating point packages?
  • David Bishop: Bugzilla 15 - Should numeric_bit/std have resize with size_res parameter?
    • David proposed it for consistency with the fixed and floating point packages
  • David Bishop - 262 - Fixed Generic Pkg and checking valid range
  • Done Peter - 293 - copy proposed resolution in bugzilla in proposal
  • Open - Fork and Join 2012_MeetingJune21
    • Original Verilog, simple fork and join - not used much. Hence, not much value in implementing a simple mechanism
    • SV - more complicated and have ability to kill later
  • Jim - Mark bugzillas for which we have a proposal with that status
  • Jim - Table driven modeling via protected types 2012_MeetingMay10
  • David Koontz - Simulation Controls MeetingAugust11

ISAC Accepted Items Review

  • Make sure all items have a tracking proposal
  • Open - IR 2108 - Level sensitive check - A "wait" that checks condition before stopping
    • Cliff - Look into passing an expression to a input signal parameter (2008 allows this for an input signal port)
  • Jim - 2109 - Requests semaphore implementation via a protected type
    • Requires wait inside of a protected type
    • ?Requires signal inside of a protected type?
    • Also interested in a resolution function based semaphore implementation
  • Jim - 2113 - Init ROM / Array data structure using file read
    • Add textio read to 1076.6 list
    • Add open source family of read array functions to initialize RAM/ROM
  • Cliff - 2119 - declare a protected type and object of that type in a single package
  • Jim - 2125 - Resolving 'Z' and '-' results in 'X" rather than '-'
  • Jim - 2003 - simulating and synthesizing multi-cycle paths
    • Waveform assignment (multiple after) would be appropriate here, if a synthesis tool can handle it.
  • Jim - 2007 add link in bidirectional connections proposal to 2007
  • Jim - 2009 - add link from conditional compilation proposal to this and vice versa.
  • Jim - 2011 - Syntax that creates a component declaration from an entity decalaration and puts it into a specified package
    • VHDL-93 supports direct entity instantiation
    • Methodology - use one package per component
    • Write up and put on reject list
  • Peter - 2012 - Wants to remove the priority from if-elsif-elsif structures under some conditions. Proposes: "if elsor elsor".
  • Jim - 2021 - Link into DynamicRewiring

Review and Approve Meeting Minutes:

  • Motion: Cliff 2nd:Steven

Next Meeting: Thursday May 1, 2014 8 am Pacific

Previous Meeting: Thursday March 20, 2014

Topic revision: r12 - 2020-02-17 - 15:50:29 - JimLewis
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