P1076 September 12, 2013 Meeting Minutes



ISAC IR Review

  • 2106 have proposal, ConditionalCompilation. Move to active list.
  • 2046 generics were done in 2008, move to done list
  • 2060 - Include truth table for multi-input/multi-output logic. Accept, need proposal.
  • 2066 - move to 1076.6 list
  • 2072 - Allow static operations on "ranges". Accept. Need proposal
  • 2088 - Formatted I/O. Done in VHDL-2008.
  • 2089 - Directional records - have proposal Interfaces. Move to active list.
  • 2100 - Operator overloading for protected type methods. Accept, need proposal.
    • Can't we already do some of this by declaring a regular procedure outside of the protected type?
    • Allowing a protected type as a parameter to a function may satisify this.
  • 2076 - A member attribute for records. Accept, need proposal. Ryan Hinton?

Conditional Compilation

  • Some issues, such as compile time stuff cannot be deferred to elaboration time.
  • If we had an elaboration time construct, can we have it not parse code that is statically determined not to be included.

Review and Approve Meeting Minutes:

  • Motion: Jerry 2nd:Cliff

Next Meeting Date (proposed):

Thursday September 26, 8 am Pacific

Topic revision: r3 - 2020-02-17 - 15:36:13 - JimLewis
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