P1076 September 13, 2012 Meeting Minutes



Block Interface

  • Have we resolved anything yet?
  • We have seen some complexity, but does it solve the issues
  • Perhaps we should keep it simple but have a growth plan

IP Encryption

  • P1735 should have a draft by end of year

Attributes for PSL

  • See initial proposal on collected requirements page
  • For P'Transaction, need to define when it needs to be detected
    • When are PSL actions accumulated - is it during a postponed region or a regular cycle?
    • If it is postponed, then we need to determine if detection later (1 clock or simulator resolution time later) is acceptable
    • Are uses for reporting, adjusting testbench settings, ...?
  • Some of the features may just be a bind into a corresponding VHPI control.

Assert API

  • First pass review of initial proposal
  • Some of the features may just be a bind into a corresponding VHPI control.

Action Items:

  • Assert and PSL API/attribute proposals need rationale/usage for each feature.
  • Do a request for comment/review for Assert and PSL API/attribute proposals

Review and Approve Meeting Minutes:

  • Motion: Jerry 2nd: Peter

Next Meeting Date (proposed):

Thursday October 11, 8 am Pacific

Topic revision: r4 - 2020-02-17 - 15:36:12 - JimLewis
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