Wishbone and variants use a model of a single master and single slave and handle arbitration between multiple masters and multiple slaves in an interconnect block - which simple bundles would handle just fine.
Variant Bundles - nice but benefit may not justify cost of complexity
AI: Ryan/Andy to mold current discussion to a proposal
System Verilog Interfaces
Solve simple bundles
has a concurrent code region
use for assertions / monitors
testbench behavior
Record Closely Related
Similar to closely related array types define built-in explicit type conversions (using type name)
AI Ryan
Record Introspection
May need new owner or additional owner as Chris is busy on other things
Multidimensional Array Restructuring
Multidimensional Array to Single Dimensional Array
Single Dimensional Array to Multi
Generic Subprograms
Specify generic in call of subprogram.
Would be uniform wrt to generics on protected types.
Would work as an alternative to an anonymous type on a subprogram.
Anonymous Types on Subprograms
May be a burden on run-time. Require pass by reference.
Trade off with generic subprograms - advantages? Lighter syntax