Peter: Worked on example calling to C Random Number library
Ready for Jerry to look into implementation issues
ISAC Forwarded IRs
2125 - not done - cannot modify resolved due to backward compatibility. Group with communication channels
2121 - not done -
2119 - not done - Consider in protected type proposal - can be done in ADA
2118 - Done
2117 - Block Comment - Done
2114 - Forward to 1076.6 - it is a retired standard
2113 - Forward to 1076 to consider. It is a 1076.6 Request, however, it could be terms more general if we think in of preloading external files to arrays in a Verilog fashion. Language vs. Library? With arrays of unconstrained arrays if we have a standard array of array type, then it would be possible to do this.
2112 - not sure - needs further research
2110 - Not sure needs further research - Jerry K to look into
2109 - Not sure - forward to intefaces / communication channels / protected types.
2108 - Enhancement Request for a level sensitive check - testbench synchronization primitive - language syntax vs procedure, however procedure is problematic as conditions is a constant. Does it activate on any change of condition or just condition at clock edge?