P1076 April 19, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Approved on May 24, 2012



IEEE Update

  • For balloting, require multiple ballot groups (user, vendor, ...) and no one group is allowed to have more than 1/3.

Math Packages

  • David had a request for trig functions to work in degrees
    • Suggest adding conversions deg2rad and rad2deg


  • Ryan: worked on sorting ISAC issues
  • Reviewed the sorting of "Forwarded IRs - that need to be resolved as eitehr done or todo for VHDL-201X"
  • Approved new items to "IRs Completed in VHDL-2008" IRs 2005-2024
  • Approved new items to "IRs accepted for consideration in VHDL-201X" IRs 2003-2035


  • Jim: working on better processing of overlapping count and ignore/illegal bins.

Action Items:

  • No new assignments

Next Meeting Date:

Thursday May 10, 8 am Pacific

Topic revision: r4 - 2020-02-17 - 15:36:11 - JimLewis
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