EDA Site Rational

I do not think we want to replace our existing web structure with Twiki. This should be an additional resource that can be used by the groups. If it gradually moves to all being on Twiki it would be nice but I think we keep two structures:

www.eda.org/twiki which goes to the Twiki main page, each different group can have a web under that with registration being centralized.

www.eda.org/index.html works as is. If a group wants to either use just a twiki page we provide a direct index.html for the pub/group which opens the twiki site or a group can add a link to twiki on their existing main page.

I think the big questions we have to answer is what structure do we provide and what controls. Here are my thoughts:

1. Registration must be approved - a completely open public registration is not desirable - I do not want a repeat of the problems we had with the eda.org theft - such as mass spamming. So, we either find a way to have registrations be done by the responsible group owner or with registrations being sent to a Twiki owner and then approved. I am biased to the group owner since they know who is in their groups. To implement this I have denied view and change privileges on the TWiki web and change privileges on the Main web to the TWikiGuest account. Unfortunately denying view and change privileges did not work. TWikiGuest has been denied change privileges on all webs. It has also been denied View privileges on the Registration page. This means any registered user can register a user - there is a note on the registration page indicating that only group and eda managers should register new users. At least until we can find a better mechanism.

2. Each group has a separate web, group for members, and an admin group for administration.

3. The GROUP admin group owns the web for the group and has full control over the web. The GROUP admin group is also part of the RegistrationGroup that can be used to register users.

4. There is an EdaAdminGroup which is used to administrate the entire site. This group is part of the registration group and each GROUPS admin group. This gives the eda admins full control. The current System admins should be part of this group.

5. To create a new Web requires the requestor to send an email to support@edaNOSPAM.org (like all other support requests). We handle it like any other group creation. If it is a new group we put a simple index.html into /pub/GROUP which points to the newly created Twiki web we make for the group. If it is an existing group then we just create the Twiki web and send them the information. The GROUPgroup is also added to the EdaGroup which consists of all members which are registered.

6. The owner of the group then registers any users that are new users and adds the users (new and existing) to the GROUP admin group. They then create the contents of their web as they desire.

7. Each web owner has full control over the visibility and edit processes that are desired using standard Twiki tags for visibility and edit. No tags means anyone in the world can edit and view.

8. Suggested groups are:

And for each GROUP (such as P1801)

So, this provides I think reasonable guidelines that we can use. It matches the general eda.org philosophy, puts most of the control in the group owners hands (by role and not name). Makes it easy to administer for eda.org sysops - we add only the group owner and create the base webs. Group owners do the rest.

-- DavidSmith - 14 Dec 2007

Topic revision: r1 - 2007-12-14 - 18:36:35 - DavidSmith
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